We are raising money to set up a hardship fund for local residents across the Rochford District who may be financially stretched due to the economic effect of the Coronavirus.

We are asking for donations so that we may offer members of the community the support of a  small financial sum.

Payments will be £25.00 (not more than one payment a week) and these payments can be used to assist with electric/gas/food while on unpaid leave or hardship due to coronavirus.

We will require all applicants to provide proof of address (council tax bill/utility bill).

This fund will be administered by Cllrs Michael & Diane Hoy, Stuart Wilson, Christine Mason, Adrian Eves, Toni Carter, James Newport, Chris Stanley & Craig Cannell & Mike Wilkinson for the benefit of all residents in the district.

We will update within the next couple of days on how to apply for support.

Thank you for your kind support

P.S – Please share our fundraiser to help us, help as many residents in need at this difficult time.

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About the author 

James Newport

Essex County Councillor for Rayleigh North, Rochford District Councillor for Downhall & Rawreth and Rayleigh Town Councillor for Sweyne.

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