Last nights development committee discussed the application for 47 dwellings on London Road (15/00736/FUL). The officers report can be read here. [download id=”852″]Â This application have been previously deferred for clarification on a number of points.
- The location and type of pedestrian crossing, taking account of the speed limits on the A129 London Road.
- What Highway improvement measures would be provided in respect of the additional developer contribution of £50,000 over and above the cost of the proposed pedestrian crossing.
- Clarification of the proposed flow rates and the opportunity to seek improvement to the rate to improve local resilience against flooding and better details of attenuation arrangements.
- The drainage details relating to conditions 7, 8,10,11, 12 and 13 to be submitted with the application for Members’ consideration.
- Details of the surface water drainage scheme /underground drainage plan to be made available to the Committee.
- Condition 13 to be amended so that it be required that the yearly maintenance logs be submitted to the local planning Authority annually.
- Off street parking spaces to be provided clear of the street.
- The road layout to be built to adoptable standards and clarification of whether the road layout will be adopted. (NOT ADOPTABLE)
- Dormer windows with flat roofs to be revised to provide pitched roofs.
- Clarification of the proposals to spend the contribution of £45,000 in respect of Little Wheatleys play space and whether instead this contribution might be used to fund a school crossing patrol for a temporary period of time.
Off to a shaky start due to the technical issues in the council chamber (no projector, so no plans available), the meeting commenced nearly 30 minutes late. There was about 10 visitors in the public gallery.
The council officer (Mike Shranks) gave his opening report on the planning application and how the issues had been addressed that concerned the members at the last committee meeting. Once we had heard the report (with no visual aids), the officer asked us to ‘trust’ his words – speakers were invited from the public. The applicants agent spoke first. We then heard questions from committee members. These ranged from clarification on the proposed crossing, off street parking, whether the road was adoptable and the proposed drainage system.
The proposed drainage system consumed most of the discussion, with Cllr Stanley taking a lead on the flooding issues asking whether the design of the system was adequate to accommodate the flooding issues that West Rayleigh has seen in recent years. I asked whether upstream flooding had been taken into consideration and was assured by the officer it had been.
I also made it clear I was not convinced the proposed crossing was adequate and safe for pedestrians being in a 40 mph zone.

I questioned as to why the new estate would not have its own play area, with a £45,000 contribution for the Little Wheatley’s play area, once the money runs out the tax payer will bear the full burden of additional maintenance.
Land will be taken from Rayleigh Sports & Social club for the proposed alleyway at the back of the development.
The report also makes mention of cycle routes (I see none of them in this area, in fact very few in Rayleigh). Finally I raised the issue of safety as the report proposes that the developer will widen the footpath in front of the development to 2m, however the London Road footpath is wholly inadequate on the North side (in my opinion) and is less than 2m wide.
Finally Councillor Mountain spoke up and reminded members that this application was again before the committee to gain clarification on the reasons the application was previously deferred – he then moved for approval for the application. The vote was taken with all members approving apart from myself and Cllr Stanley abstaining.
Heaven help us all!! Stock your cupboards & pull up the drawbridge. We will be isolated & housebound down here! We have had 2 or 3 instances just this week when it was gridlock getting into Rayleigh. I love Rayleigh & appreciate all the facilities available, but I do expect to be able to get from A to B in reasonable time. I do not want to join a traffic jam as soon as I leave my drive way!
[…] James  Newport writes about it it here. […]