Why We Should Embrace City Fibre Rollout In Our District

City Fibres recent announcement of its FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) and the inclusion of our District in its plans is an infrastructure upgrade that we should embrace. After all, our District is Essex County Councils poor relation when it comes to investment in our local infrastructure. With very little money spent in our District, we have suffered for some time.

The benefits that having high speed (and stable) internet connections throughout our district can be huge. We’ve all seens the dependency on the creaking network that is in place, from home schooling, online banking, the replacement cinema and widely used video streaming services to the virtual GP appointments – this can seriously change things for the better in the long term.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think its a direct replacement for face to face contact at all, but it can aid in the reduction of traffic on our roads and the pollution that accompanies it. It can expedite seeing a doctor (in certain circumstances), it can mean huge savings in money and time having to get use overcrowded trains to get to work. Yes I’m in!

It’s fair to say, there will be some pain with this rollout. Roads and pavements will need to be dug up to lay new cables, clear ducts and make new connections. Yes it will be disruptive. That’s why, yesterday during our bi-weekly leaders call, I have spoken, along with Cllr’s Mrs Christine Mason and Cllr Michael Hoy, to the acting Managing Director of Rochford District Council, to ask they there is early intervention with Essex County Council, City Fibre and other contractors to ensure a coordinated and thorough approach is taking at the PLANNING stage to ensure disruption to our residents is kept to a minimum.

I for one, can’t wait to join the 21st century world.

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About the author 

James Newport

Essex County Councillor for Rayleigh North, Rochford District Councillor for Downhall & Rawreth and Rayleigh Town Councillor for Sweyne.

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