There are a couple of more notable applications that have been submitted to the council.
The first is application an application by Sweyne Park School for a new building for the sixth form.
The Sweyne Park School, Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9BZ
Reference: 16/00870/FUL
Date received: 9/7/2016 12:00:00 AM
Planning for: Construct Two Storey Building To Provide Teaching Accommodation Sixth Form
The second application is an application for 47 dwellings on the land adjacent to Grange Villa (M&S Garage)
Land Adjacent Grange Villa , London Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9DR
Reference: 15/00736/FUL
Date received: 10/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
Planning for: Form Access And Layout Site To Provide Residential Development Of 21 Flats And 26 Houses ( 47 Dwellings In Total)
What’s your thoughts on these applications? Let me know in the comments box