Hello, Grumpy Christmas here! Yes, your resident District & Town Council has been out today with lot’s of other volunteers preparing for the ‘Rayleigh Lights Switch On!’
Chilly, isn’t the word for it, with a flurry of snow and temperatures of 3 degrees and falling, lot’s of volunteers prepared to make the night special for the families with little ones.
As my ‘little ones’ are not so little now, it takes more than a twinkle of lights to entertain them so this year we decided to stay at home with our Horlicks for the big switch on.
I won’t mention the lack of an ice rink (as Scrooge put a stop to that!) other activities that may have tempted them out into the cold and I’m sure everyone with children of primary school age children will have a lovely time waving their glowy, flashy stick things around as they stand around trying to keep warm. I’m afraid though for Grumpy Christmas he’s seen the light and unfortunately has been unable to deliver a Christmas wish for the supporters of this petition.